Friday, January 14, 2011

sushi art

my brother recently returned from vacationing in Hawaii, so the other night he came by and we viewed his pictures on tv.  He and I share the same passion for food, so about 80% of his photos were of the food they ate, delicious yummy food I might add.  By the looks of it, Hawaii has some amazing sushi.  As I was salivating after each picture, we came across this beautiful presentation of sushi, with it's vibrant colors and beautiful lines, on the big screen it looked as though this could be art on someone's wall.  It is called the "Red Dragon Roll" and can be found at Doraku Sushi.  I will definitely be dining there when I visit Hawaii, amongst all the other great places he ate at.  My brother Daniel did all the food research for me as he sure knows his food!!

Red Dragon Roll at Doraku Sushi

With sushi on my mind, last night I googled sushi art and some cool images came up that I'd thought I'd share.

Sushi made of "Hostess Twinkies" and candy...I'm going to make this for fun one day.
Image courtesy of

"Hello Kitty" Sushi

Sushi Slippers and Baby Booties from "Etsy"

My beautiful daughter Sophia in my original Ebi Nigiri sushi costume creation complete with wasabi and ginger headband.  I'll post instructions on how to make at a later date.  See, I really do love sushi!!!
Stay tuned for my attempt to make SUSHI CUPCAKES!!!!

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