Saturday, March 12, 2011

newsflash...angela's soy yummy rice bowls recipe published on soy vay website

Hahaha...I made it big!!! LOL...Got my original "Angela's Soy Yummy Rice Bowls" recipe published on the Soy Vay website...they said it sounded YUMMY and worthy of posting on the site.  I've blogged the recipe in the past but here it is again, try it out, you won't be dissapointed.  Follow the link.

Angela's Soy Yummy Rice Bowls

Submitted by Angela A.

1 lb ground chicken or turkey
1/2 cup Soy Vay Veri VeriTeriyaki
1 bag frozen vegetables (you could use fresh veggies but I like to use the frozen carrot, peas, corn and green bean medley. I also add frozen broccoli).
1 2 Tbls. chicken broth
Sriracha (depending on how hot you like your food, squeeze accordingly)
Steamed rice (basmati or Thai jasmine)
1 Tbls peanut butter
1 Tbls canola or olive oil
1 Tbls sesame oil

Prepare rice for 4 servings according to directions. Thaw frozen veggies , then rinse them under hot water. In an oiled non stick skillet, brown your ground chicken or turkey. Add the chicken broth and bring to a full boil (cook fully until there is no more liquid in the pan, just your nicely browned chicken). Add vegetables, cook and stir. Add 1/2 cup Soy Vay Veri VeriTeriyaki (you could do more or less). Keep stirring, add the peanut butter and Sriracha, it should be nice and saucy. Add the cooked rice and oils and stir it all up. Serves 4.

Please visit for more recipes and to purchase your Soy Vay products called for in this recipe.

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