Friday, May 20, 2011

holy crap, this doesn't taste like crap!

While watching a repeat of "The Dragon's Den" the other night (love that show and inspire to be on it one day with the next new thing haha I wish I could come up with something that hasn't been done yet), I was intrigued to try this breakfast cereal made here in the Sunshine Coast called "Holy Crap".  Dragon, Jim Treliving of Boston Pizza just loved the product and invested in it without hesitation at full asking. 

This stuff really doesn't taste like crap at all.   I mean it's not outstanding in taste but still quite enjoyable.  I really love the texture and the health benefits seem extraordinary.  You definitely need to let it sit for a little bit before eating so that it can expand and soften up.  I found "Holy Crap" at Granville Island the other day, with a $12 price tag for a small bag probably 10-12 days worth of product, "Holy Crap" - this stuff isn't cheap when it comes to breakfast cereal.  But if the health benefits are as great as they claim to be then "Holy Crap" - it's worth it!!

The simple ingredients include:  Organic Chia, hulled hemp hearts, organic buckwheat, organic cranberries, organic raisins, apple bits, organic cinnamon.  Here's the skinny according to
"Super packed with Omega 3's and 6's, protein, calcium, iron, zinc, fibre and antioxidants".  "Chia is the world's healthiest whole food".  "Chia has more Omega 3's than fish oil flaxseed or marine algae".

Try it out!

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