Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"pehn"nomenal take out

Last night I had an insatiable craving for my favorite chicken wings so I packed up my 15 month old, got into my car and drove to Chinatown to grab some "Phnom Penh" take out.  The entire ride down I couldn't get those yummy wings off my mind.  Oh how I longed for them, crispy, salty, peppery, garlicky, highly addictive... traffic was heavy due to people heading to the Canucks game, but I got there in time so that my food wasn't just sitting there getting cold waiting for me.  I paid the lady, asked for some extra lemon dipping sauce (amazing) and was on my way, Sophia in one arm and take-out in the other. To keep my wings crispy, I left the top of the wings container open so they could breath and not end up all soggy when I got home.  I cranked up the heat and turned on my heated seats to keep my food nice and toasty (not only do they keep your bum warm they come in handy for keeping your food warm too).  I took all the back roads home.  Those wings smelled so good that at one point I entertained the idea of just eating them as I drove, but I stopped myself as I knew that my hands would just get all greasy making a big mess in my vehicle.  Finally I pulled up, grabbed my child and food, ran into my home, put her down and my food on the counter, ripped my jacket off, washed my hands...and it was showtime!!!
Eating those wings was so satisfying, they were just as amazing at home as they were when I had them in the restaurant.  We also got the "Lu-lac beef" on rice and the Vietnamese style pork chops, both excellent

Phnom Penh is the real deal, Cambodian/Vietnamese cuisine, It's no wonder Anthony Bourdain loves this place.  You must go!!!  They are located at 244 East Georgia Street, Vancouver B.C. 604-682-5777

Lu-lac Beef

Vietnamese Pork-Chops

Deep Fried Chicken Wings

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