Sunday, January 16, 2011

amateur sushi rolls...not bad

tonight my brother and his girlfriend came over for dinner and we made our own sushi! Sure it would have been easier and cheaper and a lot less time consuming to just get take out, but we were so excited about actually putting togeather and rolling our own creations.  It was so much fun!  We did take a small shortcut though, years ago I took a sushi making class and the instructor stressed how difficult it was to make the sushi rice the perfect consistency to work with and that you really needed to practice.  I didn't want to screw up the rice and ruin our sushi making plans, so I called my local sushi joint and got them to put aside a few large containers of rice for me for pick up.  After 3 hours of prepping and rolling and then cutting and presentation, I think our sushi was pretty tasty, everyone else seemed to like it too!!  Will I make my own sushi again? Sure thing!!!

My messy rolls with patches of rice missing ha ha, making sushi is alot tougher than it looks

My california and lobster roll presentation

Daniel busy rolling

Daniel and Lisa's special rolls

Last night I made dessert sushi and brought them over to my niece's birthday party
Easy, quick ready made ingredients:  brownie bites, rice krispie treats,  frosting, shredded coconut, gummies and green fruit rollups

Ice your brownie bites, dip in shredded coconut for that rice effect, top with gummies and wrap with your green fruit roll up to look like seaweed

Dessert Sushi!!!

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