Saturday, January 29, 2011

this blog should be called...

"Follow me on my journey to gain 100 lbs".  Seriously people! I just realized that I've been blogging about my journey on my way to becoming a blimp! It's going to happen if I don't slow down.  Is it this blog that is making me eat so much lately?? Has food been constantly on my mind since I've started this blog??? Maybe the foods I'll be blogging about in the future should only be healthy, low fat, low carb, low on the glycemic index type dishes.  Oh wait, they won't taste soo damn good and I won't be soo damn passionate about them. I swear, one day you're gonna read a post that says "Dear followers, I've decided to stop blogging about food, as a result of this blog I am now morbidly obese.  My weight loss consultant advised me to STOP BLOGGING ABOUT FOOD and find a more active hobby. Yours truly, Angela"

"Me" Courtesy of FatBooth for i-phone


  1. As I was reading that and glancing at the pic I was like, "Holy crap!" I know you had a baby and everything.
    And then I saw the caption.
    You're hilarious.

  2. hahahaha noooo not me YET!!! I lost all the baby weight, but that could happen if I don't find a new topic to blog about soon!!
